Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Carving Addict

Miniature marble antefix

I must admit that I've become a carving addict.

Shaping marble to make some eggs...

My first finished egg!

I mean to do other things...  but, somehow, whenever I've got some free moments, well, my thoughts turn to carving and I get out my tools if I have any time at all...  or sketch plans or letters or read my historic ornament pattern books or...  well, you get the picture.

Experimenting with Celtic spirals in the style of the Aberlemno Cross

I've been neglecting almost everything.  [I have managed to still do a little food shopping and cooking and I haven't quite neglected to spend time with Libby...  but, otherwise, I've been bad.]  Neglecting email.  Failing to call family and friends in Canada.  Lots of great research projects neglected (including investigating Natural Hydraulic Lime versus cement in the 1870's through 1900s, mapping Rookwood, making sense of the layout in Old Chinese, reporting on the RAMSAY vault, reading old monumental mason FA ARNOLD's papers in the Mitchell Library...  so many great things to do!).  Even this blog, which I agreed to volunteer for and do a post a week...  well, my own blog is pretty well silent...  and I've hardly posted anything more on my youtube channel except a short movie of Rainbow Lorikeets in an Illawarra Flametree.

I learned from this:  don't ever try and do Celtic knotwork...  it takes forever!

There's too much to learn...  and try...  and do!

My next project is to try and create some Cycladic figurines...  in the style of the so-called "Ashmolean Master"....

This figurine is almost finished...!

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